minggu ni dah masuk minggu ke 34 aku mengandung. maksudnya, tinggal 6 minggu lagi nak bersalin. tak sabarnya.
persiapan untuk menerima cahaya mata baru dah bermula. baby cot yang lama bersarang kat stor, aku dah bersihkan, masukkan dalam master bedroom. cadar baby dan tilamnya aku dah bersihkan, cuma baju afiq yang kecik dulu tak basuh lagi.
sekarang dah kena ke klinik 2 minggu sekali. hari rabu lepas, aku kena ke klinik lagi. kena test urin, perut dan rutin2 lain. test urin hari tu, keputusannya tak memuaskan. nurse kata aku jarang minum air masak (memang pun). rasa nak kembung minum air masak. biasanya aku tambah kordial dalam air tu sikit, biar ada rasa.
nurse cadangkan aku rebus air barli. aku pun cari2 khasiat barli kat internet.. apa ek? jumpa laman web ..> http://www.healthmad.com/Nutrition/Nutritional-Benefits-of-Barley.340785
khasiat barli:
Barley is a very good source of fiber and
selenium, good source of phosphorus, copper and manganese.
Selenium is found in very small quantities in our body. It is helpful in preserving the elasticity of our skin by protecting it against free radical damage. It protects the heart, immune system, pancreas and elasticity of tissues. Its deficiency may result to cancer of the skin, prostate, colon, stomach, liver and breast.
Phosphorus is essential for healthy bone and tooth formation, cell
growth, proper kidney function and contraction of the heart muscles.
Copper helps in forming hemoglobin and red blood cells. The disease with early sign of copper deficiency is osteoporosis. Note though that high amounts of zinc or
vitamin C reduces copper levels in the body.
Manganese works with the entire B-complex vitamins in order to give us
an overall feeling of well-being. It is essential for normal bone production,
energy and iron deficiency anemia. Small amounts are needed for protein, fat
metabolism, healthy nerve and immune system function and body regulation of
blood sugar.
Barley decreases the risk of colon cancer and hemorrhoids. Its dietary
fiber also provides food for the "friendly" bacteria in the large intestines.
These bacteria are helpful in achieving a healthy liver and muscles. Also,
barley's insoluble fiber produces propionic acid. This acid helps in lowering
blood cholesterol levels.
p/s : pagi ni,breakfast nasi lemak.. first time buat sendiri.. sedap2
nak lebih berkhasiat... bercutilah ke bali... pasti sihat dan kuat... huhuhuhu
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