Thursday, February 26, 2009

nutrition for me

lama dah tak cari info pasal pregnancy ni. hari ni gi visit bahagian pregnancy dan cari pasal nutrition for pregnant mom. this is a few info about fruits.

Fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, melons and berries are the best sources of Vitamin C. Deep yellow fruits like cantaloupe* and apricots are good sources of Vitamin A. It’s easy to eat three or more servings of fruit a day: juice or fresh fruit for breakfast, fresh or dried fruit for a snack, a fruit salad with lunch and a cooked fruit dessert with dinner.

semalam baru beli buah PLUM, 6 biji. bila aku bawa balik..husband bgtau plum yang aku beli mahal. isk, aku tak tengok pun harganya. main beli je. sebiji seringgit. tak kisahla.anyway, dia tak kisah aku nak makan apa masa pregnant ni..especially buah. nutrition untuk baby dalam perut. in addition, aku beli 2 jus buah semalam, jus jambu ngan jus epal. wah, banyaknya belanja. therapy thru shopping. kui.kui.
